Whole Wheat Apricot Blackberry Handpies

Apricot Blackberry Handpies

This recipe is a twist on a family favorite. Pie in the summer. The New England summers from my childhood were filled with long days on the beach, adventures through the Farm Coast (Eastern RI to West of Cape in Mass) where farmstands are plenty and a warm day on the beach means it reaches 84F by 3pm. It never stopped us kids from having sandcastle contests for hours on end, just to find out we won "best use of seaweed in a moat" instead of actually winning. Sweatshirts were a must in case the wind picked up or to warm up after a long swim in the waves.

The best days on the beach were ones that lasted will into the evening, and a good summer bbq always needs a pie. There's never the place for paper plates, or forks on the beach, but it's hard to argue against a good piece of fruit pie on the beach. Peaches, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, rhubarb, cherries ... all classics. This one is a twist on a family favorite Peach + Blueberry, the pie that had us hiding the leftovers or making sure there were never leftovers we might have to share. Do you have a favorite family pie recipe?

New England Summers

The best recipes happen when you have that creative moment in the grocery store. I have been trying to find the perfect accompaniment to apricots in a sweet way for summer and did not want to create "regular turnovers" something a bit more unique and a bit more "me". 

Since a lot of the food here talked about on the blog is seasonally appropriate and whole foods based, I realized I should post my version of whole wheat pastry dough. I love the flavor it adds to a recipe, something that enhances a dish in the right place. There is certainly the argument that whole wheat isn't the perfect accompaniment to all pastry fillers but something as strong as blackberry and apricot is perfect, the whole wheat flavor adds a sweetness that is also very different from the sugary sweet of the fruit filling.

Whole Wheat Apricot Blackberry Handpies



makes six