May 2017 Update

I guess you are wondering where I have been lately, and if you don't keep up with me on instagram on my studio account, you might not know I've been working my butt off! Sometimes busy is bad, and sometimes busy is great. So let's catch up!

So lately I've felt as if this place has wandered from what I really like about it--> the creative space. So I'm unformalizing it and bringing back the place where I can just share non-niche items. This is in no way a business, and so I don't have to follow "the rules". So back to old-school blogging we go.

Easter Brunch!

Can you believe this is my first family holiday to host and I'm in my thirties now? Well, when your parents and other family have the space and you live alone in a small apt, it just never seemed feasible. There's also the meat thing, I think my relatives expect meat for bigger meals. So easter brunch was a nice way to get my feet wet. 

I went with some simple food, but yummy and home-made. I did Julia Turshen's (surprise! lol) raspberry buns with creme fraiche frosting, for a spring twist to a cinnamon bun. And then for some hearty-ness some egg nests... I'm not sure how to describe them. A shredded hashbrown cup with cheddar, and then a whole cracked egg right in the nest within the muffin tin. It's a great way of getting eggs on the table for lots of guests all at once ;)

We added some mimosas, coffee of course, fruit salad and some easter candy (of course). For decor, since I have some simple white melamine plates, I added some flowers, easter candy, and some new napkins from Crate and Barrel. 

They have these lovely linen napkins that are simply perfect. Otherwise it would be mismatched napkins, which is great for most other nights, but setting a table it looks a little too bohemian lol.

We of course didn't take a) enough photos b) try other light sources for photos. The way my furniture is set, to get good light from the giant windows, you would have to blow out the back, but honestly --> I just don't think my camera is good enough to handle it. So photos had to be turned to black and white.


I have been working on a new wall hanging quilt (from Carolyn Friedlander). It's this little paper-piecing patten called "outhouses". Which is so far SUPER fun. I am going with a very "me" color pattern based off of this little 1/4 yard of liberty fabric I have been hoarding for years. You can see the little houses starting to take shape. The one on the top left was my first. A little wonky, but I'll take it. The little quirky errors make me really happy, oddly enough.

Plants, plants and more plants! I will have to do a post that introduces you to the different newcomers to the loft. I've been repotting quite a few of the spider babies, and some new cuttings, and currently there's barely a corner that is empty of greenery in here. I like it that way!

Food lately has been pretty boring, keeping it relatively healthy, but also quick while I have had a lot of work. I do have a recipe I'm trying to perfect, so we shall see if I can pull it together to be something GOOD, EASY and HEALTHY. The trifecta. It's a variation of an Ottolenghi recipe I'm obsessed with, that makes it possible to eat on a weeknight and the original takes 3-4 hours. Ha.

In other news, I have been reading a lot. But I've been extremely bad about reading books that were already on my shelves. So this spring I'm going to try and not BUY any new books. One that I enjoyed (*yes new), was the latest Sophie Kinsela, who sometimes I find extremely annoying. I saw myself in the main character, and I think so do 80% of all young creatives that go into "branding". While the actual depiction of what "branding" people do in real life was hilariously off at parts, the emotional part of living and in this strange visual design world was spot-on. 

I read almost 80% of the new Sophie Kinsela book in the bath one day, and forgot how amazing a GREAT bath can be. I do NOT have a good bathtub, but I'll even take the child-size tub for 20 minutes of tech free, stress free time to wind down. It's my new "me" time. 

I have also been filling this place with flowers at every moment and chance. It's almost the season I can go forage for some beauties in my mom's yard. While these lilacs are not hers, she knows to expect me later this summer ;)